Sunday 8 November 2015

Target Audience Research for my Magazine

I choose to work on a music magazine.And with it Ill talk about fashion in the music industry too,while fashion goes as the cherry at the top of the cake,music will be my main focus point.
The reason why i chose to work on a music magazine is mainly because i myself am a music lover and play music as well so i wanted to make sure I passionately work on my magazine.Plus ther ehasnt been a big magazine for Rock music only so I have a market with no competitors in such a position.That means I get the market benefit.

For that I need to know the audience Im trying to approach.


A target audience is a segment of the population that has a specific opportunity to take action on the problem you have identified. The target audience may also be a segment of the population that is specifically affected by the problem you have identified.

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