Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Magazine Logos and Comparison

Different magazine style their magazine according to the audience that they want to approach.

If its a fashion magazine,they will really highlight what the person on the front cover is wearing,just like a music magazine highlights the band/musician by taking their close up shots with their instruments.

Heres Seventeen, a teen magazine and as we can see,there are a lot of colors and a lot of different kind of fonts. There is a lot going on but still the main focus is on the model standing in the middle.Theyre talking about things that a teen would be interested in.

Here we have GQ,a fashion magazine that has an audience of adults and we can see why.The text is very less as compared to Seventeen,there arent a lot of colours, its mainly about the model at the front cover and the text is written in a smaller font to give more significance to the actor. A teenager is very unlikely to buy such a magazine

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