Tuesday 10 November 2015

Survey Results

Accordingly to the order of the questions;

Q.What kind of magazines do you usually read

13% voted Fashion
17% voted Other
48% voted music
22% voted Sports


65% were Males
35% were females


50% were under 14-18
50%  were under 18-24

Q. Fav Music Genre

40% Pop
37% Rock
23% Others

Q.How often do you read magazines
78% occasionally
22% Not at all

Q.How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine
37% 100-500 Rupees
34% 500-100
39% Depends on the magazine

How do you listen to music

94% Apps
6% CD's/Cassettes

Q.Would a gift encourage you to buy a magazine

55% Yes
14% No
39% Mayve

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