Sunday 29 May 2016

Flat Plan


A flatplan shows where all articles and adverts are laid out, and in what order. It allows complete control of the publication production process avoiding confusion.Without a flatplan, the production director and advertisement director struggle to control which pages go where. This makes signing off a publication very difficult and time consuming.

Flatplans started life drawn out on pieces of paper stuck to the wall of the production team. As pages moved around, and advertisements were booked the pages were annotated and amended.

To create a good flatplan you need to think about the highs and lows of your magazine. Short articles, photo stories and lists offer easy entry-points for readers while features offer weight and substance. It's only by thinking about the proposition as a whole that you can devise the kind of experience you want for your readers

Thursday 12 May 2016

Double Page Spread Edit

For my double page spread I took a reference photo from the issue of the Classic Rock magazine that I own. Initially the picture was supposed to be spread out on both the pages but with assistance from my teacher I realized it would look better if I create a separate portion for the article. The fonts I used are the same ones that I used for my Front Cover and Content Page. These include the following fonts;





The double page consists of a heading, a subheading, an interview, photography credits and a link to my magazines website

After completing all the content of this double page, I tried to change the whole theme of the doublepage by making it Black and white

This is my final DoublePage spread photo