Monday 5 October 2015

Media Concepts

These are basic media concepts that help study the film.
All sorts of movies are built on the basis of these concepts.

Ideology:  Its the main motive behind the beliefs which an individual, group or society holds.

Narrative:  The script of the movie.The study of narrative explores the different ways that media texts can tell a story. Narrative is strongly linked to the audience and purpose of the text.

Representation: What it stands for.Accordingly, all media texts are re-presentations of reality.

Production: Where the film is financed/provided with funds.

Audience:  The people for whom the media product is made.

Genre : Media products can be classified into categories or genre.A genre can be recognised by its common set of distinguishing features. A film may also consists of more than a single genre

Institution   The production company of a movie when its made.

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